Friday, September 14, 2012

Dear Men...

Maybe it’s the countless conversations I’ve had with girls, listening to them complain about their boyfriends or brothers or fathers. Maybe it’s the magazine article I read, just yesterday, stating, “There are so many good women out there who are prepared and ready to be godly wives and mothers. So where are all the good men? I’m sorry to tell you, but not many exist anymore.” Maybe it was hearing the words “I think you married the last good man” issue forth from no other mouth but my own. Maybe it was all those things put together that made me realize something:

For some reason that escapes me, women have convinced themselves that there are no good men left.

No men worth waiting for. No men who will come into her life and treat her right and not be a jerk.

 And I have no idea why.

Honestly, I don’t. Sure, there are bad men. There are jerks. There are boys masquerading as men that wouldn’t know maturity if it slapped them in the face. There are those men. But there are those women too, though I don’t hear much about them. And I can’t take it anymore, this constant hating on men, by everyone.

So this is a letter, to you, men, not so much an explanation as an apology.

Because you are constantly being torn down everywhere I look. By women, by other men, by the church, and by our culture. The Facebook page of a church I follow recently posted “Men, girls want to have babies, not date them.” The popular TV shows and movies portray fathers and husbands mostly as bumbling idiots who are lucky to be married to a woman that knows what is going on in life. The messages you hear constantly only serve to tear you down, and for that, I am truly sorry. I’m sorry that we haven’t done more to build you up and encourage you in your manhood. I’m sorry we blame your entire sex for the faults of some. I’m sorry that when you’re chivalrous, it’s expected and sometimes we don’t thank you, but if you’re not, you’re a jerk and we make sure you and the entire room knows it. I’m sorry we have told you time and time again that there are no good men left, because chances are we were talking to one when we said it. I’m sorry that we have impossibly high standards, and somehow expect you to be the type of men that only exist in Nicholas Sparks' novels. I'm sorry that we've reduced you in our minds to people who only think about sex and sports instead of realizing that you have passions and hobbies and dreams like anyone else.

And I guess I wanted to say thank you, too, because I know so many good men that don’t get half the thanks they deserve. Thank you for when you look out for us. Thank you for when you let us wear your jackets when it’s cold and we didn’t bring one. Thank you for complimenting us when you want nothing in return. Thank you for putting up with all the lies about manhood that are consistently and forcefully shoved down your throat. Thank you for helping us understand how you think. When you are told none exist, thank you for being good men anyway. To my friends, brothers, and father, to all the men that I am proud to call a part of my life, coming from a girl who once foolishly bought into the lie that there are hoards of good women with no good men to be found...

Thank you for proving me wrong.
I want to add here that this is in no way an attack against women, either. I realize not all women constantly attack or belittle men. I just know that I have been guilty of this, and it was a perspective that desperately needed to change in my own life. Perhaps this is just a reminder that words have power, and ideas have power, and please won't you believe there are good men as readily as you admit there are good women? And in the end remember that, as humans, we're all bad. There is no good in me or you except by the redeeming work done in and through us by Christ. And He works in both genders. I leave you with this, which really is the point of this whole post:
"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works...encouraging one another." -Hebrews 10:24-25