Thursday, October 6, 2011

He's my Hero (Times Two)

Picture this:
A girl, completely alone for an hour, sitting outside her locked car. Not only is her car locked, but the only key she has for it is locked inside. And not only is the key locked inside, but also her cell phone, her purse, her guitar, her jacket, and her shoes. Oh yeah, and there's a storm brewing.
Sad picture, right?
Well, that girl is me.

Yeah...I've had better days.

But now picture this:

Once that girl gets a hold of a phone, she knows exactly who to call. He picks up after a few rings.
"Dad, I know you're at work, and I know you're busy. But Daddy? I need help."
So, he does what Dads do. He calls the insurance agent, the locksmith, and then me.
"Hey hun, the locksmith is on his way."
"Hey Daddy, I know it's a lot to ask, and you don't have to, but could you come? I don't know what I'm doing."
He didn't really want to. He didn't really have to. He had a million and one better things to be doing than rescuing his daughter in the middle of his workday.
But he's my Dad, so he came.
He's my hero.

And I realized that that's exactly how it works with my God.
He didn't have to come. He didn't have to die. He probably had a million and one better things He could have been doing. But He came anyway, because He's my Dad.
Everytime I call on Him to ask for help, He never fails. Everytime I have to tell Him I don't know what I'm doing, He doesn't scold me for my ignorance. He just stays by my side. And He rescues me, every day, from so many worse things than a locked car. Because He's my Dad, and I'm his daughter.
He's my hero.
Looking at the circumstances, I've had better days. But looking at the two Dads in my life that are there in a heartbeat whenever I call, all I can think is:
"I am So. Incredibly. Blessed"

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