Saturday, September 17, 2011

This One's for My Girls

This one’s for my girls. For every single one of them. For those who love me at my worst, and make me my best. This one’s for K. I wish you knew how beautiful you were, and how much you deserve...don’t lose heart. This one’s for A. I know each day is a fight to just keep living life. I wish I could take your pain, you have no idea how much I wish that. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not worth something, because you’re worth is not found in what they think of you. This one’s for K, who’s been knocked down and ignored by so many leaders who were supposed to be there for her. You are so strong...never stop fighting. This one’s for A, whose heartbreak I understand so well, because ours were broken the same way. I hope I make your life half as bright as you make mine. This one’s for J. You are so beautiful, and loved much.  Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise. This one’s for A. You are crazy beautiful and talented, and someday this pain that we’ve been through might all make sense. This one’s for E. I know you feel alone, knocked down, and judged. Keep love in your heart, I promise things will get better. This one’s for M. You’re one of the strongest girls I know, and you are gorgeous inside and out. Don’t you let the world change who you are, ‘cause who you are is beautiful. This one’s for H. Your love for God and life is a beautiful thing to see. Don’t let that boy get you down, you deserve so much better. You’re never alone. This one’s for M. We’ve been through it all girl. I love your heart and your laugh and your style. Keep on going. This one’s for A. Someday, a man is going to come in and sweep you off your feet. Wait for the right one, I know he’s coming. I’m so proud of who you’re becoming. This one’s for R. You are breathtaking in more ways than one. Watching you live life and getting to share it with you, for the short time we were together, will always be counted among my greatest blessings. I just wanted you to know that. This one’s for E. Keep fighting, keep striving, keep pushing on toward Christ. You are loved very, very much. This one’s for B. I know growing up is hard. Don’t cave to the pressures the world puts on you. You are so much better than that...stay strong. THis one's for S. You have no idea how much I wish I could've been there for you more, how much I should have been there. Forgive me. You're cut out for greatness, go get it. And never forget the One that loves you most.
This one’s for me too, I guess. Because we are each other. We share hurt, pain, laughter, tears, joys, triumphs, failures, love, sorrow, jokes, songs...we share life. Yep, this one’s for my girls: Don’t ever stop chasing Jesus and letting Him be everything you need. You are beautiful. You are crazy. You make my life full of sunshine. You mean the world to me. You are loved.

These are some of my girls...yes, you can be jealous.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful words. You're friends are blessed to have such an encourager in their lives...but don't forget to apply many of those same words to your own life! I love you!
