Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Yes, it looks foolish. And no, I don't care.

I realize it looks foolish to sit at a table by yourself while you’re eating, and smile from ear to ear for no reason at all.
I realize it looks foolish to go running in the rain and randomly start doing cartwheels.
I realize it looks foolish to rock out to music in the car and sing at the top of my lungs.
 I realize it looks foolsih to be at a coffe shop by yourself, reading a blog, and almost fall out of your seat because you're laughing so hard.
 I realize it looks foolish to dance around the kitchen while I’m making dinner.
quite frankly, I don’t care. Becuase people do foolsih things when they're happy. And sometimes, just being alive makes me happy.
So excuse me for cutting this short, but it's raining outside, and nobody's dancing in it...yet.

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